Start out on the right foot by doing all you can to ease your dog’s adjustment to his new family. Here’s the information you need to help make your friend’s stay in his new home safe and enjoyable.
Whether your new friend is a puppy or adult dog, here are important tips to help keep him out of harm’s way:
Keep household cleaners and chemicals out of his reach.
Restrict access to plants that are dangerous to dogs: poinsettias, azaleas, rhododendrons, dumb cane, Japanese yew, oleander and English ivy.
Store breakable items safely out of the way.
Hide or cover electrical cords so he won’t chew on them.
Safely store antifreeze, engine oil, laundry detergents and lawn chemicals.
Keep kids’ toys off the floor—since some parts may be small enough for your puppy or dog to swallow.
Use a cover and/or protective fencing if you have a pool or hot tub.
Here are a few tips to consider before naming your new dog:
Names should be short. A two-syllable name is best because it’s brief and won’t be confused with one-syllable commands such as “No” or “Sit.”
Be consistent. All family members should use the same name—don’t use confusing nicknames or variations.
Reward your dog’s recognition of his name with lots of praise and play.
As the “parent” of a puppy or new adult dog, it’s important for you to help him get used to his new surroundings. Think of him more as an infant than a pet: He’ll need plenty of patience, supervision and love. Here’s how you can help him adjust.
Bring him home when it’s quiet and you don’t have company. Also, choose a time when your routine is normal.
Show him the area of your yard that will be his bathroom before bringing him inside. Then take him there whenever he goes outside.
Give your dog his own room where you can keep his crate, complete with bedding and chew toys (leave the crate’s door open). He’ll feel safe in his “den.” Put down newspaper for accidents. (See pages 14-15 for more housebreaking tips.)
Supervise your puppy at all times, and play with him several times a day. You’ll help establish yourself as the pack leader.
Give him bathroom breaks every few hours and right after eating, drinking, sleeping and playing (watch for signals like sniffing or circling). Never punish your dog for accidents; instead, praise him when he goes in his outdoor spot.
An appropriate amount of exercise will help promote your new dog’s good behavior and assist you in training him. Talk with your veterinarian about how much daily exercise your breed typically needs. Some dogs are just naturally more high-energy, and need more exercise than others. Schedule family members to exercise your dog throughout the day. I do not recommend outside walking until all shots have been completed which is 12 weeks of age.
You should have no trouble at all encouraging your children to play with your new dog. Still, you’ll want to supervise his first interactions with your kids and set playtime limits—15-20 minutes two or three times a day. Here are still more ground rules to explain:
No rough teasing or playing. Tell your kids that tail-pulling and teasing can lead to bad habits like jumping up.
Be gentle. Tell kids never to shout at the dog, even if he does something wrong. Explain that dogs can be startled by loud noises.
Here’s how to help him meet your resident animals:
Do it gradually. Keep them separated for the first few days.
Keep him safely in his crate (or behind an expandable doorway gate) as you supervise their first meeting.
After several days of sniffing each other out, let your resident pet enter the den while your new dog is out of his crate.
Giving your new dog the appropriate amount of exercise.
Supplies you’ll need
Have these supplies on hand before you bring your dog home with you.
Teething toys
Stainless-steel non-tipping food and water bowls
ID tags with the contact information for yourself and your veterinarian
A size small collar and a 6-foot leather or nylon leash
Wire Crate 24x36 (this is great for when they first get home because the cat pan will fit along with a bed)
Baby Magic Shampoo
Brushes and combs
Cleanup supplies such as a stain remover, paper towels, and deodorizing spray
Washable bed and blankets (I use old towels that I don't mind washing a lot)
Your first veterinarian visit
In addition to providing your new dog optimum nutrition, scheduling regular visits to the veterinarian is key to ensuring his health and
happiness. Here’s how to prepare.
If you have time, introduce your dog to his new veterinarian by scheduling
an orientation-only visit. Let the veterinarian’s staff pet him and offer treats. If you project a calm, upbeat attitude, your dog will likely remain calm, too. Some experts recommend scheduling these “just dropping in” visits on a regular basis.
At your dog’s first appointment, you’ll be asked basic information, and a staff member may weigh your pet. Keeping track of his weight can help identify problems associated with weight loss or gain.
Then you’ll meet the veterinarian. You’ll be asked about your dog’s diet and lifestyle. Next you’ll get to ask about your dog’s care. Then the veterinarian will examine him and may administer his first vaccinations. Ask about heart worm prevention and flea control products.
The information you provided will help the veterinarian determine the kinds of diseases your dog may be exposed to and plan an appropriate vaccination schedule.
Schedules vary, but it’s important for puppies to get a series of vaccinations to provide optimal protection against infectious diseases like the ones listed at right. The series is begun as early as 6 weeks old, with boosters given 3 to 4 weeks apart (6 WK, 9 WK AND 12WK) and yearly until they are 12 to 16 years old.
Canine Distemper
Canine Parainfluenza (DA2P)
Canine Parvovirus (CPV)
To help your dog live a longer, healthier life (and control pet overpopulation), spaying or neutering is important. Your veterinarian will recommend the appropriate age, generally around 5-6 months.
A brushing each week will keep your pup’s coat in good condition, but if he gets really dirty or has acquired an odor, use these steps to bathe your dog:
Step 1: Brush your pup and then gently plug each ear with a cotton ball. Place him in a tub or basin with a nonskid surface. Hold the collar firmly, then pour lukewarm water over his body, being careful to leave his head dry.Cold water will chill your dog and make bathing an unpleasant experience.
Step 2: Use a baby shampoo to soap the body. Work up a lather, talking to your puppy and praising him as you work. When he’s well lathered, move to his head, being careful to keep shampoo out of his eyes, ears and mouth.
Step 3: Rinse and dry the head, then rinse the body. When the water runs clear, rinse one more time. Dry your pup with towels and then remove the cotton plugs from his ears. If your dog has healthy skin, you can dry him further with a hair dryer set on low or warm.

*~*Schnauzers Of Taylor*~ Everything we do can make a difference. Dedicated to impeccable breeding of the highest standards. We specialize in AKC mini companion pets. Puppies raised in our home nursery with constant love, attention, monitoring and kisses. Health guarantee, CERF/DNA, puppy pkt, blankie and toy. We even litter box trained.We are a very small home breeder so expect to wait for our wonderful litters**AKC Inspected May 2014*~No Shipping, we want to meet face to face*~*
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
***Create a Pet-Safe Home*****
When safeguarding your house, it's easy to forget about the family pet. Ana T. Pieruccetti crawls on all fours in any rooms she designates for critters. "When I analyze a home, I need to be curious like animals are," says Pieruccetti, owner of Lucca Bella dog spa in Dallas. Kitchens and bathrooms — high-traffic areas for animals — contain chemicals that can be dangerous. Secure all liquids in cabinets with childproof locks. Countertops and hot stoves are an easy reach for gravity-defying felines. The lazy dog's favorite toilet "water bowls" can sicken a pet no matter how clean you think your bathroom is.
If your animals are your favorite office mates, make your home office pet-friendly. Job number one is to secure electrical cords. You can wrap cords in cable snakes or sliced tubing, put them behind bureaus, hide them under carpets or tape them down. Pet supply stores sell bitter-tasting solutions to deter chewing. If your animals spend time in the garage, place any chemicals — especially antifreeze — out of reach. Antifreeze is sweet-tasting to dogs and cats, but less than a teaspoon of the chemical is highly toxic. And use antifreeze with propylene glycol, which is safer for animals if ingested in small amounts and better for the environment.
Your pets can share the holidays with you, but many of the foods that humans love can make animals sick. Foods to watch out for include chocolate, macadamia nuts, onions, raisins, grapes and alcohol. Coffee grounds and cigarette butts are hazards as well. The best bet is to clear plates and empty the sink of leftovers. Place all garbage in cans with secure or locked lids. It's also a good idea to put a skirt around live Christmas trees to prevent your pet from drinking from the tree stand. It's a tempting water bowl, but any chemicals in the tree will leach into the water. Low-hanging Christmas tree ornaments might be seen as toys, but they can break and injure your pet.
Half the fun of new kittens and puppies is watching them explore. Keep an eye out when loading the dryer or dishwasher, or when starting the car (bang on the hood), since cats love warm nooks. Sometimes homemade animal toys, like crumpled aluminum paper, strings, buttons and rawhide chews, can be dangerous; pieces can break off the toy and lodge in an animal's digestive tract. Your best bet is to supervise animals when they're playing with anything. De-icing salts can sicken dogs if they lick it off their paws; wipe post-walk paws with a damp cloth or buy pet-safe de-icers.
If you store clothes under the bed in bags, skip the mothballs, because they're highly toxic to animals. Also, cordon off areas with holes in the walls. Chicken wire is great for blocking hard-to-reach spaces where animals, especially cats, can get stuck or hurt themselves. A number of houseplants can also be dangerous to animals, and you can find detailed listings of poisonous houseplants online. Pieruccetti's list for a good pet first-aid kit includes Biocaine lotion, dog pads, alcohol pads, cold packs, a magnifying glass for removing anything stuck in paws, eyewash and an emergency blanket. If you're uneasy treating your pet, call your vet. Most have 24-hour emergency numbers if you have an injury that can't wait.
If your animals are your favorite office mates, make your home office pet-friendly. Job number one is to secure electrical cords. You can wrap cords in cable snakes or sliced tubing, put them behind bureaus, hide them under carpets or tape them down. Pet supply stores sell bitter-tasting solutions to deter chewing. If your animals spend time in the garage, place any chemicals — especially antifreeze — out of reach. Antifreeze is sweet-tasting to dogs and cats, but less than a teaspoon of the chemical is highly toxic. And use antifreeze with propylene glycol, which is safer for animals if ingested in small amounts and better for the environment.
Your pets can share the holidays with you, but many of the foods that humans love can make animals sick. Foods to watch out for include chocolate, macadamia nuts, onions, raisins, grapes and alcohol. Coffee grounds and cigarette butts are hazards as well. The best bet is to clear plates and empty the sink of leftovers. Place all garbage in cans with secure or locked lids. It's also a good idea to put a skirt around live Christmas trees to prevent your pet from drinking from the tree stand. It's a tempting water bowl, but any chemicals in the tree will leach into the water. Low-hanging Christmas tree ornaments might be seen as toys, but they can break and injure your pet.
Half the fun of new kittens and puppies is watching them explore. Keep an eye out when loading the dryer or dishwasher, or when starting the car (bang on the hood), since cats love warm nooks. Sometimes homemade animal toys, like crumpled aluminum paper, strings, buttons and rawhide chews, can be dangerous; pieces can break off the toy and lodge in an animal's digestive tract. Your best bet is to supervise animals when they're playing with anything. De-icing salts can sicken dogs if they lick it off their paws; wipe post-walk paws with a damp cloth or buy pet-safe de-icers.
If you store clothes under the bed in bags, skip the mothballs, because they're highly toxic to animals. Also, cordon off areas with holes in the walls. Chicken wire is great for blocking hard-to-reach spaces where animals, especially cats, can get stuck or hurt themselves. A number of houseplants can also be dangerous to animals, and you can find detailed listings of poisonous houseplants online. Pieruccetti's list for a good pet first-aid kit includes Biocaine lotion, dog pads, alcohol pads, cold packs, a magnifying glass for removing anything stuck in paws, eyewash and an emergency blanket. If you're uneasy treating your pet, call your vet. Most have 24-hour emergency numbers if you have an injury that can't wait.
Bringing Home Pup
Friday, November 23, 2007
Treats/Toys We Like!
NutroCrunch Bites
Pet Botanical Training Treats
Dried Bananas
Omega Treats(we love the Salmon)
VitaLife Chicked Chips
Blue Buffalo Bisquits
Natural Balance Small Bisquits
Lucky Buck Antlers

Hey,does your dog like to chew? . . . then Lucky Buck's for you.
Lucky Buck Deer Antlers are a natural, healthy chew that your dog will love.
No odor
No residue
Safe -- does not splinter.
Durable, long-lasting.
Source of calcium and minerals.
No chemicals or preservatives.
Treat toys!
Pet Botanical Training Treats
Dried Bananas
Omega Treats(we love the Salmon)
VitaLife Chicked Chips
Blue Buffalo Bisquits
Natural Balance Small Bisquits
Lucky Buck Antlers

Hey,does your dog like to chew? . . . then Lucky Buck's for you.
Lucky Buck Deer Antlers are a natural, healthy chew that your dog will love.
No odor
No residue
Safe -- does not splinter.
Durable, long-lasting.
Source of calcium and minerals.
No chemicals or preservatives.
Treat toys!
Bringing Home Pup
Thursday, November 01, 2007
**Poisonous Plant List**
List of Most Poisonous Plants
Agaric Mushroom
Amaryllis bulbs
American Yew Apple (Seeds)
Apricot (Pits and Bark)
Autumn Crocus
Azalea Balsam
Baneberry root
Bird of Paradise
Black Locust
Bleeding Heart
Blue Flag
Blue-green Algae
Bracken Fern
Broomcorn Grass
Calla Lily
Candelabra Tree
Cardinal Flower
Castor Bean
Chalice Vine
Cherry (Leaves, twigs, seeds, pits)
Chinaberry Tree
Christmas Candle
Crown of Thorns
Deadly Amanita
Death Camas
Dumb Cane
Elephants Ear
English Ivy
English Yew False F
Glory Bean
Ground Cherry
Henbane Fly
Indian Licorice
Indian Turnip
Java Bean
Lily of the Valley
Lima bean
Locoweed Lords
Mango Tree - wood, leaves, rind - (fruit safe)
Marsh Marigold
Mescal Beans
Mock Orange
Morning Glory
Mountain Laurel
Mushrooms N
Oak (Foliage, acorns)
Peach (Leaves, twigs, seeds)
Pear seeds
Pencil Tree
Pine (Needles, twigs, sap)
Poison Ivy
Poison Oak
Potato (eyes, new shoots)
Red Maple
Rosary Peas
Sago Palms
Sandbox Tree
Skunk Cabbage
Spindle Tree
Sweet Pea - seeds
Tomato All green parts
Virginia Bower Coral
Virginia Creeper
Water Hemlock
Western Yew
Accidents can happen all the time -- the key is to prevent them.
Agaric Mushroom
Amaryllis bulbs
American Yew Apple (Seeds)
Apricot (Pits and Bark)
Autumn Crocus
Azalea Balsam
Baneberry root
Bird of Paradise
Black Locust
Bleeding Heart
Blue Flag
Blue-green Algae
Bracken Fern
Broomcorn Grass
Calla Lily
Candelabra Tree
Cardinal Flower
Castor Bean
Chalice Vine
Cherry (Leaves, twigs, seeds, pits)
Chinaberry Tree
Christmas Candle
Crown of Thorns
Deadly Amanita
Death Camas
Dumb Cane
Elephants Ear
English Ivy
English Yew False F
Glory Bean
Ground Cherry
Henbane Fly
Indian Licorice
Indian Turnip
Java Bean
Lily of the Valley
Lima bean
Locoweed Lords
Mango Tree - wood, leaves, rind - (fruit safe)
Marsh Marigold
Mescal Beans
Mock Orange
Morning Glory
Mountain Laurel
Mushrooms N
Oak (Foliage, acorns)
Peach (Leaves, twigs, seeds)
Pear seeds
Pencil Tree
Pine (Needles, twigs, sap)
Poison Ivy
Poison Oak
Potato (eyes, new shoots)
Red Maple
Rosary Peas
Sago Palms
Sandbox Tree
Skunk Cabbage
Spindle Tree
Sweet Pea - seeds
Tomato All green parts
Virginia Bower Coral
Virginia Creeper
Water Hemlock
Western Yew
Accidents can happen all the time -- the key is to prevent them.
Bringing Home Pup
Sunday, October 21, 2007
***Holiday Doggies***
Holidays are my favorite time of year. This section is for your photos of your favorite holiday doggie.

Judging by these pictures, I think she decided to be a Doggy Superhero for Halloween. Obviously, her super power is to shoot crazy laser beams out of her eyes when we take pictures of her! So have a fun Halloween!
Justin, Chels, and Lucy 10/07

Here is Barbie Princess Coco Chanel. If I can't dress my daughter in pink, I can dress my dog in it.
She is was a hit.
Donna 10/07
![]() |
Ballernia Lilly Belle Hutchins 10/10 |

Judging by these pictures, I think she decided to be a Doggy Superhero for Halloween. Obviously, her super power is to shoot crazy laser beams out of her eyes when we take pictures of her! So have a fun Halloween!
Justin, Chels, and Lucy 10/07
Here is Barbie Princess Coco Chanel. If I can't dress my daughter in pink, I can dress my dog in it.
She is was a hit.
Donna 10/07
Holiday Doggies
Friday, September 21, 2007
Boarding Services
We at Schnauzers of Taylor are not set up as a boarding facility. Occasionally I will board ONLY my past dogs to help out in certain situations.
You are expected to bring your own food for your dog and crate if possible. If I purchase food I will save the receipt so I can be reimbursed. Your dog will be well loved and cared for of course, walked and part of our family while here.
Please make sure shots and rabies are up to date before bringing.
If your dog needs a vet visit while under my care you will be expected to reimburse me for that. I will never hesitate to take your dog to the vet if I feel things are not right. Accidents can happen while with you or with me. I will do everything in my power to prevent anything from happening. Price $45 per day
You are expected to bring your own food for your dog and crate if possible. If I purchase food I will save the receipt so I can be reimbursed. Your dog will be well loved and cared for of course, walked and part of our family while here.
Please make sure shots and rabies are up to date before bringing.
If your dog needs a vet visit while under my care you will be expected to reimburse me for that. I will never hesitate to take your dog to the vet if I feel things are not right. Accidents can happen while with you or with me. I will do everything in my power to prevent anything from happening. Price $45 per day
Sunday, September 02, 2007
New Puppy? Start Puppy Off Right
For your puppy to grow into a healthy, balanced dog, you must demonstrate leadership from day one.
New puppy owners often make the mistake of endlessly worrying about finding the right puppy treats or bed. They spend little or no time worrying about how or what they will teach their new puppy.
Yes, a puppy needs nutritious food and a safe, warm place to live. But another equally powerful and important biological necessity is the need for a strong pack leader to serve as the dominant source of alpha energy in their lives.
Puppies are naturally hard-wired to follow a pack leader. A pack leader is, by definition, strong, stable and consistent; traits many new puppy owners forget around their dogs. I have had clients who are strong leaders in their jobs, but, when they come home, they turn to mush with their dogs. Then they come to me, puzzled as to why their dog won’t behave.
Puppies sense our confidence levels and will take control if they perceive us as weak. When dogs or puppies take control, bad behaviors, such as excessive barking, leash-pulling, or anxiety, will develop.
The most important thing you can do is to become your puppy’s pack leader. This role doesn’t begin when your dog is six months old or when he’s bad. For your puppy to grow into a healthy, balanced dog, you must demonstrate leadership from day one.
Here are some important points to remember in your role as pack leader:
When getting a new pet, make sure to set aside time every day to provide mental exercise by maintaining rules, boundaries and limitations. When these needs are met, the affection you give to your dog will be channeled as a reward.
Create a schedule that includes a daily 45-minute power-walk in the morning. This is critical for your dog’s health, both physical and mental.
Enlist your whole family in the process of bringing a new dog home. Discuss what their responsibilities will be before the puppy arrives.
Make sure you find a breed that fits your lifestyle. For example, more active breeds, like hunting and herding dogs, require more physical exercise to stay physically and mentally content.
Always walk out the door ahead of your dog when leaving the house. This will show your dog who is in the leadership role.
On walks, make sure that your dog is not in front of you, pulling you down the street. Instead, keep your dog to your side or behind you. This will also demonstrate to your dog that you are the alpha figure.
Give the puppy something to do before you share food, water, toys or affection. This way the dog earns his treat. For example, have your puppy perform the Sit or Down command.
Set aside a budget for unexpected circumstances, like medical bills and training classes. A healthy, well-trained dog makes a wonderful pet.
A puppy will be set up to fail if his new family doesn’t learn these lessons before he arrives. Remember, puppies don’t crave a fancy treat or bed; they need you to become their stable pack leader to demonstrate love in a way they understand.
from Cesar Millan website
New puppy owners often make the mistake of endlessly worrying about finding the right puppy treats or bed. They spend little or no time worrying about how or what they will teach their new puppy.
Yes, a puppy needs nutritious food and a safe, warm place to live. But another equally powerful and important biological necessity is the need for a strong pack leader to serve as the dominant source of alpha energy in their lives.
Puppies are naturally hard-wired to follow a pack leader. A pack leader is, by definition, strong, stable and consistent; traits many new puppy owners forget around their dogs. I have had clients who are strong leaders in their jobs, but, when they come home, they turn to mush with their dogs. Then they come to me, puzzled as to why their dog won’t behave.
Puppies sense our confidence levels and will take control if they perceive us as weak. When dogs or puppies take control, bad behaviors, such as excessive barking, leash-pulling, or anxiety, will develop.
The most important thing you can do is to become your puppy’s pack leader. This role doesn’t begin when your dog is six months old or when he’s bad. For your puppy to grow into a healthy, balanced dog, you must demonstrate leadership from day one.
Here are some important points to remember in your role as pack leader:
When getting a new pet, make sure to set aside time every day to provide mental exercise by maintaining rules, boundaries and limitations. When these needs are met, the affection you give to your dog will be channeled as a reward.
Create a schedule that includes a daily 45-minute power-walk in the morning. This is critical for your dog’s health, both physical and mental.
Enlist your whole family in the process of bringing a new dog home. Discuss what their responsibilities will be before the puppy arrives.
Make sure you find a breed that fits your lifestyle. For example, more active breeds, like hunting and herding dogs, require more physical exercise to stay physically and mentally content.
Always walk out the door ahead of your dog when leaving the house. This will show your dog who is in the leadership role.
On walks, make sure that your dog is not in front of you, pulling you down the street. Instead, keep your dog to your side or behind you. This will also demonstrate to your dog that you are the alpha figure.
Give the puppy something to do before you share food, water, toys or affection. This way the dog earns his treat. For example, have your puppy perform the Sit or Down command.
Set aside a budget for unexpected circumstances, like medical bills and training classes. A healthy, well-trained dog makes a wonderful pet.
A puppy will be set up to fail if his new family doesn’t learn these lessons before he arrives. Remember, puppies don’t crave a fancy treat or bed; they need you to become their stable pack leader to demonstrate love in a way they understand.
from Cesar Millan website
Bringing Home Pup,
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Puppies are naturally biting machines. In a way, this is good because they learn to inhibit their jaw strength to exist with us fragile humans. Most mouthing is reflexive behavior. When a pup is touched, or even approached with a hand, the mouth is the natural means of responding. Puppies can be taught to inhibit this reaction. (It will help if you pet the puppy with long, firm strokes rather than quick pats.) Here are some ideas to help with this ouchy problem.
Grab a paw when your pup starts mouthing you. This distracts him from chewing on you-at which point you can praise him for being such a good dog. (Praising for good behavior is just as important as stopping the bad behavior.) Another idea is to holler “Ouch” in a squeaky voice and immediately leave the pup. After a minute, return and reward your pup’s good behavior by playing with him-immediately leaving if he starts biting again.
Teach your pup the “no-bite” or “stop it” commands. When he nips at you, take him by the jowls and lift his head up so you can look him in the eye for several seconds while you repeat the command. Release and ignore him. After a minute call him to you and praise him when he gets to you.
You can accustom your pup or dog to being grabbed and petted (valuable with children in the family) by giving a treat with one hands while gradually moving the other hand closer, giving a treat each time. Then start from the beginning with the other hand. Increase the speed of arm and hand and the squeeze (grab) of the dog. Another way to accustom the pup to hands moving toward his head or body is to scratch him on the chest or throat with one hand as your other hand moves into his visual field. This teaches the pup to inhibit his bite reflex when people and children grab at him.
If you have tried these methods conscientiously for a week or so with no improvement, you can move on to more negative methods. Try a solution of one part vinegar or Listerine to ten parts water in a spray bottle with a stream. When the puppy bites at your heels, you can squirt him in the mouth and scold in a low, growly voice to stop. Another method of negative reinforcement with a hard-mouthed puppy is to cause the puppy to bite himself. Put your hand under his muzzle and squeeze his lips into his teeth until he gives a squeak of pain. Then ignore the puppy for a minute and then call him over and praise him for doing a good recall.
These suggestions are successful with the normal mouthy puppy. A pup who bites with intent to hurt is an aggressive personality and is a different matter. Most pups, however, will try a nip or two and when they find out it’s not acceptable will stop such behavior.
Videos for help
Grab a paw when your pup starts mouthing you. This distracts him from chewing on you-at which point you can praise him for being such a good dog. (Praising for good behavior is just as important as stopping the bad behavior.) Another idea is to holler “Ouch” in a squeaky voice and immediately leave the pup. After a minute, return and reward your pup’s good behavior by playing with him-immediately leaving if he starts biting again.
Teach your pup the “no-bite” or “stop it” commands. When he nips at you, take him by the jowls and lift his head up so you can look him in the eye for several seconds while you repeat the command. Release and ignore him. After a minute call him to you and praise him when he gets to you.
You can accustom your pup or dog to being grabbed and petted (valuable with children in the family) by giving a treat with one hands while gradually moving the other hand closer, giving a treat each time. Then start from the beginning with the other hand. Increase the speed of arm and hand and the squeeze (grab) of the dog. Another way to accustom the pup to hands moving toward his head or body is to scratch him on the chest or throat with one hand as your other hand moves into his visual field. This teaches the pup to inhibit his bite reflex when people and children grab at him.
If you have tried these methods conscientiously for a week or so with no improvement, you can move on to more negative methods. Try a solution of one part vinegar or Listerine to ten parts water in a spray bottle with a stream. When the puppy bites at your heels, you can squirt him in the mouth and scold in a low, growly voice to stop. Another method of negative reinforcement with a hard-mouthed puppy is to cause the puppy to bite himself. Put your hand under his muzzle and squeeze his lips into his teeth until he gives a squeak of pain. Then ignore the puppy for a minute and then call him over and praise him for doing a good recall.
These suggestions are successful with the normal mouthy puppy. A pup who bites with intent to hurt is an aggressive personality and is a different matter. Most pups, however, will try a nip or two and when they find out it’s not acceptable will stop such behavior.
Videos for help
Bringing Home Pup,
In Loving Memory
This is me with my very first schnauzer, Pepper. Pepper was purchsed from a pet store when i was 9 yrs old. This of course was a time when that was ok. He helped me through my teens years and lived a long life to the age of 14 yrs old. Love you Pepper and I will always thankful that you started my love for this wonderful breed. Donna Irizarry
In Loving Memory of Beau 10/09 to 8/10
(Beau was out of Isabella and Cooper born 10/09/09, he was in a tragic accident and lost his life by being hit by a car. He is so missed by his parents and kids. Heaven sure did get a great little guy!!)
We have shared so much of ourselves with him and in who he was showed us how much love we had for one another. When any of us were down he was there to look at us with his puppy eyes and somehow the worries and pains we felt were not so bad. I remember when we adopted him that I was worried about how to train a puppy and what kind of food was best for him and all the hundreds of worries that I had, but after holding him in my arms for only a moment, I knew we would be right for one another.When we would be in the living room he would jump into our laps and curl up and it was as if he was meant to be there. My wife still unconsciously moves her legs over onto my side of the bed to leave room for him to curl up at her feet. The kids are thankfully still young enough that the full impact misses them, but they are saddened at times when they see one of his toys or something. When thinking back to memorable events and such, the first that stands out was during the Vacation Bible School this summer. We took Beau up to the local park with us when we took the kids, we were in summer classes at the time and he laid in the shade with me as I read some of my required reading. One of the ladies from the church came over and was petting him and he looked like he wanted to go and see the kids so we let her take him around the park. As she returned a little while later she mentioned how he only wanted to be near us or the kids and that as we walked if it was moving away from any of us he was not as happy to walk along. I found this to be very telling of his feelings for us. Thanks for talking to me and helping me cope.
Brad Sumner
My best friend closed his eyes last night,
As his head was in my hand.
The Doctors said he was in pain,
And it was hard for him to stand.
The thoughts that scurried through my head,
As I cradled him in my arms.
Were of his younger, puppy years,
And OH...his many charms.
Today, there was no gentle nudge
With an intense "I love you gaze",
Only a heart that's filled with tears
Remembering our joy filled days.
But an Angel just appeared to me,
And he said, "You should cry no more,
GOD also loves our canine friends,
HE's installed a 'doggy-door"! jan cooper '95

This was our Sassy. We got Sassy when Brandon was 2 yrs old and after Megan was born she began sleeping in her room nightly. Sassy continued to slept with Megan until the morning that we found she had entered through heaven's doggy-door.
Sassy was a prissy little girl. She never weighed over 10 lbs and was always very healthy. She loved her stuffed animals (babies)and our socks.She loved a fresh load of laundry, just to lay hidden in them. I baked her treats with peanut butter in them, they were her favorite. She never barked much or chewed up anything. She was just a perfect angel in our eyes! We still miss our little girl.
The Irizarry's

Remembering Molly
We lost Molly Mischief on August 8th, 2007.
Since David and I have no children, she was our child.
She was the joy in our lives for 15 years.
She was very aptly named for she was "Molly Mischief" her entire life.
She was all the things that people talk about their pets being. Official home greeter, sympathizer when you were sad, and cheerleader when you were happy. And whether other people want to believe or not, she talked.... sometimes to much. Her greatest frustration in life was the "illiteracy" of her owners. Sometimes you could see on her face... "are ya stupid", and then she would repeat what she said again.
In one of the poems I have included, it talks about "hanging on for one more day"... Molly did that ... for David.
David's birthday is August 7th. You see David will not have happy birthdays anymore. He had a nephew that he helped raise. They were inseparable until David and I married. Josh was one of the best kids you could ever meet. Good manners, good looking, very well liked by everyone he met. Josh died August 9th, 1998 at 16 years of age... 2 days after David's 30th birthday. Now Molly had gone the day after his 39th.
She had been very ill for a couple of weeks and we did not think she was going to survive, but we hoped... oh how we hoped. We both finally gave her permission to "go" if she wanted. We told her we would do everything in our power if she wanted to continue to fight, but on that last morning, she stopped eating and David put her to bed. She went on her own terms, at home, in her own time. We took her to the farm in East Texas for her final rest. She is now among the pines to run and play in the fields and chase squirrels or just sit in the sunshine which was her very favorite pastime...
I’ll always love you baby,
Terri Allen
Below are my favorite remembrances of Molly and some poetry I like.
The Surcease of Sorrow © By Kelly L. Delaney
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am the sparkle in the snow.
I am the shredded leaves that blow.
I am the sunlight on growing grain.
I am the gentle summer rain. Molly.jpg
I am the quiet bird at night.
Circling about; Taking flight.
So do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
May I go now?
Do you think the time is right?
May I say good-bye to pain filled days and endless nights?
I've lived my life and done my best, an example tried to be.
So can I take that step beyond and set my spirit free?
I didn't want to go at first, I fought with all my might.
But something seems to draw me now to a warm and living light.
I want to go. I really do.
It's difficult to stay.
But I will try as best I can to live just one more day.
To give you time to care for me and share your love and fears.
I know you're sad and afraid because I see your tears.
I'll not be far I promise that, and hope you'll always know that
My spirit will be close to you, wherever you may go.
Thank you so for loving me.
You know I love you too,
That's why it's hard to say good-bye and end this life with you.
So hold me now, just one more time and let me hear you say,
Because you care so much for me you let me go today.
Our Forever Pet
There's something missing in our home,
We feel it day and night.
We know it will take time and strength,
Before things feel quite right.
But just for now, we need to mourn,
Our hearts-they need to mend,
Though some may say it's "just a pet"
We know we've lost a friend.
You've brought such laughter to our home,
And richness to our days...
A constant friend through joy or loss,
With gentle loving ways.
Companion, pal, and confidante,
A friend we wont forget,
You'll live forever in our hearts,
Our sweet forever pet...
In Loving Memory of Beau 10/09 to 8/10
(Beau was out of Isabella and Cooper born 10/09/09, he was in a tragic accident and lost his life by being hit by a car. He is so missed by his parents and kids. Heaven sure did get a great little guy!!)
We have shared so much of ourselves with him and in who he was showed us how much love we had for one another. When any of us were down he was there to look at us with his puppy eyes and somehow the worries and pains we felt were not so bad. I remember when we adopted him that I was worried about how to train a puppy and what kind of food was best for him and all the hundreds of worries that I had, but after holding him in my arms for only a moment, I knew we would be right for one another.When we would be in the living room he would jump into our laps and curl up and it was as if he was meant to be there. My wife still unconsciously moves her legs over onto my side of the bed to leave room for him to curl up at her feet. The kids are thankfully still young enough that the full impact misses them, but they are saddened at times when they see one of his toys or something. When thinking back to memorable events and such, the first that stands out was during the Vacation Bible School this summer. We took Beau up to the local park with us when we took the kids, we were in summer classes at the time and he laid in the shade with me as I read some of my required reading. One of the ladies from the church came over and was petting him and he looked like he wanted to go and see the kids so we let her take him around the park. As she returned a little while later she mentioned how he only wanted to be near us or the kids and that as we walked if it was moving away from any of us he was not as happy to walk along. I found this to be very telling of his feelings for us. Thanks for talking to me and helping me cope.
Brad Sumner
My best friend closed his eyes last night,
As his head was in my hand.
The Doctors said he was in pain,
And it was hard for him to stand.
The thoughts that scurried through my head,
As I cradled him in my arms.
Were of his younger, puppy years,
And OH...his many charms.
Today, there was no gentle nudge
With an intense "I love you gaze",
Only a heart that's filled with tears
Remembering our joy filled days.
But an Angel just appeared to me,
And he said, "You should cry no more,
GOD also loves our canine friends,
HE's installed a 'doggy-door"! jan cooper '95
This was our Sassy. We got Sassy when Brandon was 2 yrs old and after Megan was born she began sleeping in her room nightly. Sassy continued to slept with Megan until the morning that we found she had entered through heaven's doggy-door.
Sassy was a prissy little girl. She never weighed over 10 lbs and was always very healthy. She loved her stuffed animals (babies)and our socks.She loved a fresh load of laundry, just to lay hidden in them. I baked her treats with peanut butter in them, they were her favorite. She never barked much or chewed up anything. She was just a perfect angel in our eyes! We still miss our little girl.
The Irizarry's

Remembering Molly
We lost Molly Mischief on August 8th, 2007.
Since David and I have no children, she was our child.
She was the joy in our lives for 15 years.
She was very aptly named for she was "Molly Mischief" her entire life.
She was all the things that people talk about their pets being. Official home greeter, sympathizer when you were sad, and cheerleader when you were happy. And whether other people want to believe or not, she talked.... sometimes to much. Her greatest frustration in life was the "illiteracy" of her owners. Sometimes you could see on her face... "are ya stupid", and then she would repeat what she said again.
In one of the poems I have included, it talks about "hanging on for one more day"... Molly did that ... for David.
David's birthday is August 7th. You see David will not have happy birthdays anymore. He had a nephew that he helped raise. They were inseparable until David and I married. Josh was one of the best kids you could ever meet. Good manners, good looking, very well liked by everyone he met. Josh died August 9th, 1998 at 16 years of age... 2 days after David's 30th birthday. Now Molly had gone the day after his 39th.
She had been very ill for a couple of weeks and we did not think she was going to survive, but we hoped... oh how we hoped. We both finally gave her permission to "go" if she wanted. We told her we would do everything in our power if she wanted to continue to fight, but on that last morning, she stopped eating and David put her to bed. She went on her own terms, at home, in her own time. We took her to the farm in East Texas for her final rest. She is now among the pines to run and play in the fields and chase squirrels or just sit in the sunshine which was her very favorite pastime...
I’ll always love you baby,
Terri Allen
Below are my favorite remembrances of Molly and some poetry I like.
The Surcease of Sorrow © By Kelly L. Delaney
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am the sparkle in the snow.
I am the shredded leaves that blow.
I am the sunlight on growing grain.
I am the gentle summer rain. Molly.jpg
I am the quiet bird at night.
Circling about; Taking flight.
So do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
May I go now?
Do you think the time is right?
May I say good-bye to pain filled days and endless nights?
I've lived my life and done my best, an example tried to be.
So can I take that step beyond and set my spirit free?
I didn't want to go at first, I fought with all my might.
But something seems to draw me now to a warm and living light.
I want to go. I really do.
It's difficult to stay.
But I will try as best I can to live just one more day.
To give you time to care for me and share your love and fears.
I know you're sad and afraid because I see your tears.
I'll not be far I promise that, and hope you'll always know that
My spirit will be close to you, wherever you may go.
Thank you so for loving me.
You know I love you too,
That's why it's hard to say good-bye and end this life with you.
So hold me now, just one more time and let me hear you say,
Because you care so much for me you let me go today.
Our Forever Pet
There's something missing in our home,
We feel it day and night.
We know it will take time and strength,
Before things feel quite right.
But just for now, we need to mourn,
Our hearts-they need to mend,
Though some may say it's "just a pet"
We know we've lost a friend.
You've brought such laughter to our home,
And richness to our days...
A constant friend through joy or loss,
With gentle loving ways.
Companion, pal, and confidante,
A friend we wont forget,
You'll live forever in our hearts,
Our sweet forever pet...
Foot Prints
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Cesar’s Insight for Dog Lovers
Dogs are not humans. Before they receive love and affection, they need exercise, clear direction and leadership. Giving them love alone doesn’t create balance in their lives. Be a pack leader!
Rehabilitating a dog is not about “fixing” it. It’s about you, the owner, creating the intention for what you want, not what you’re feeling. Dogs pick up on feelings of fear, doubt or worry – and they will move to fill them by attempting to become dominant.
Practice unwavering leadership every day, especially on your walk. The energy you’re projecting internally is the message you’re sending to your dog.
Dedicate at least 45 minutes of time to the dog’s walk in the morning. Let the dog know you have a consistent pattern that you expect it to follow. Utilize your dog’s energy in a positive manner.
Don’t expect more from your dog(s) than your own children. Dogs need discipline, too. Give them rules, boundaries and limitations as well as love.
Avoid nurturing your dog’s fears or unstable mind. Imagine a successful scenario and hold it in your mind when dealing with your dog.
You are the source of your dog’s energy. You are the role model.
Challenge the dog’s mind – dogs want to know what to do with their lives. Let the dog work for your affection. Once in a calm/submissive state, your love will intensify those qualities in your dog.
Dogs need “on” and “off” time. Engage them fully in structured times together; then they can relax and avoid impatient or destructive behaviors.
Dogs show us how much we can learn – they live in the moment. Try it!
from Cesar Millan website
Rehabilitating a dog is not about “fixing” it. It’s about you, the owner, creating the intention for what you want, not what you’re feeling. Dogs pick up on feelings of fear, doubt or worry – and they will move to fill them by attempting to become dominant.
Practice unwavering leadership every day, especially on your walk. The energy you’re projecting internally is the message you’re sending to your dog.
Dedicate at least 45 minutes of time to the dog’s walk in the morning. Let the dog know you have a consistent pattern that you expect it to follow. Utilize your dog’s energy in a positive manner.
Don’t expect more from your dog(s) than your own children. Dogs need discipline, too. Give them rules, boundaries and limitations as well as love.
Avoid nurturing your dog’s fears or unstable mind. Imagine a successful scenario and hold it in your mind when dealing with your dog.
You are the source of your dog’s energy. You are the role model.
Challenge the dog’s mind – dogs want to know what to do with their lives. Let the dog work for your affection. Once in a calm/submissive state, your love will intensify those qualities in your dog.
Dogs need “on” and “off” time. Engage them fully in structured times together; then they can relax and avoid impatient or destructive behaviors.
Dogs show us how much we can learn – they live in the moment. Try it!
from Cesar Millan website
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Helpful Websites
Love these videos:
Love these videos:
Bringing Home Pup
Friday, April 20, 2007
*~*Did you know?*~*~
This is just for fun...
What we use/do for a litter of 7 puppies (Stars Over Texas)!
This is pups only, not mom.
24 rolls of paper towels
1 large box trash bags
2 small rolls trash bags
5 bags of 40 lb Litter
1 washer of items daily (blankies,bed, washcloths stuffed toys and rugs)
40 lb Adult Food
20 lb Puppy Food
4 wormings per pup
7 shots
7 microchips/registration
Clip 16 toenails x 7 puppies 3 times
3 trips to Vet per pup, Flying pups get one more trip.
Poop from litter box 5 times per day(or more)x 35 days x 7 pups
Wash/Sterilize area daily
Clean water 3 x per day
Feedings 3 x per day
2 bottles of Lemon Pine sol
6 baths each x 7 pups
Small clippings x 7 pups in important areas
5 Full clippings before leaving
2 Around the edges clippings before leaving
AKC paperwork, New puppy packets, collars, blankies, book airlines, purchase crate(Rex)
Millions of kisses! :0)
What we use/do for a litter of 7 puppies (Stars Over Texas)!
This is pups only, not mom.
24 rolls of paper towels
1 large box trash bags
2 small rolls trash bags
5 bags of 40 lb Litter
1 washer of items daily (blankies,bed, washcloths stuffed toys and rugs)
40 lb Adult Food
20 lb Puppy Food
4 wormings per pup
7 shots
7 microchips/registration
Clip 16 toenails x 7 puppies 3 times
3 trips to Vet per pup, Flying pups get one more trip.
Poop from litter box 5 times per day(or more)x 35 days x 7 pups
Wash/Sterilize area daily
Clean water 3 x per day
Feedings 3 x per day
2 bottles of Lemon Pine sol
6 baths each x 7 pups
Small clippings x 7 pups in important areas
5 Full clippings before leaving
2 Around the edges clippings before leaving
AKC paperwork, New puppy packets, collars, blankies, book airlines, purchase crate(Rex)
Millions of kisses! :0)
Just For Fun
Sunday, March 04, 2007
A dog's normal temperature ranges between 101¡F and 102.5¡F. A body temperature of 103¡F (or slightly higher) is considered a fever, but is not always a sign of illness. Variations of one or two degrees from the norm can occur as a result of the dog's emotional state, activity or the environment.
Always use a human rectal thermometer, never an oral one, which could break. Shake it down to 96¡F or below and lubricate it with Vaseline or K-Y Jelly. Digital thermometers are preferred because they are easy to read and beep when ready.
It is easier to take a dog's temperature if you have help. If possible, have someone hold the dog's hindquarters so you can hold the tail and the thermometer. Lift the tail gently and slide the lubricated tip in to the anus. You will feel the rectal muscles resist and then finally relax. Talk to your dog calmly and soothingly. After three minutes, remove the thermometer and check the temperature.
If you are alone, grip the dog's lower body under your arm. With the same hand, lift the tail. Use your other hand to insert the thermometer.
A fever over 105¡F may indicate heatstroke. Call your veterinarian or an emergency pet hospital for help. You must give the dog a cold-water bath or shower immediately to lower body temperature. Never place a thermometer in a dog's mouth!
Always use a human rectal thermometer, never an oral one, which could break. Shake it down to 96¡F or below and lubricate it with Vaseline or K-Y Jelly. Digital thermometers are preferred because they are easy to read and beep when ready.
It is easier to take a dog's temperature if you have help. If possible, have someone hold the dog's hindquarters so you can hold the tail and the thermometer. Lift the tail gently and slide the lubricated tip in to the anus. You will feel the rectal muscles resist and then finally relax. Talk to your dog calmly and soothingly. After three minutes, remove the thermometer and check the temperature.
If you are alone, grip the dog's lower body under your arm. With the same hand, lift the tail. Use your other hand to insert the thermometer.
A fever over 105¡F may indicate heatstroke. Call your veterinarian or an emergency pet hospital for help. You must give the dog a cold-water bath or shower immediately to lower body temperature. Never place a thermometer in a dog's mouth!
Health News
What to do if your dog is choking
Additional Information:The American Veterinary Medical FoundationDog Owner's Guide
Signs that your dog is choking include convulsive coughing, choking noises, open mouth, protruding tongue and pawing at the mouth.
You may be able to dislodge a blocking object by application of a modified Heimlich maneuver. Position yourself behind the dog and wrap your arms or hands around the abdomen, beneath the rib cage. Apply a quick and forceful squeeze.
Try this several times. If not successful, thump the dog's chest several times on both sides with cupped hands. An alternative (providing the dog is small) is to hold the dog by the scruff of the neck and the hind legs. Turn the dog upside down and shake vigorously for one minute.
It will not take long for a choking dog to lose consciousness. Once it does, you will have approximately 60 seconds to examine the back of the mouth and throat before the heart stops beating. Extend the head and neck forward, open the mouth and pull out the tongue. Use a flashlight to examine the throat for foreign objects and remove any foreign object that you find (making sure you are not pulling on the internal throat structure).
Do not attempt to retrieve an object by projecting your finger into the dog's throat. This will only lodge the object further down the throat.
Additional Information:The American Veterinary Medical FoundationDog Owner's Guide
Signs that your dog is choking include convulsive coughing, choking noises, open mouth, protruding tongue and pawing at the mouth.
You may be able to dislodge a blocking object by application of a modified Heimlich maneuver. Position yourself behind the dog and wrap your arms or hands around the abdomen, beneath the rib cage. Apply a quick and forceful squeeze.
Try this several times. If not successful, thump the dog's chest several times on both sides with cupped hands. An alternative (providing the dog is small) is to hold the dog by the scruff of the neck and the hind legs. Turn the dog upside down and shake vigorously for one minute.
It will not take long for a choking dog to lose consciousness. Once it does, you will have approximately 60 seconds to examine the back of the mouth and throat before the heart stops beating. Extend the head and neck forward, open the mouth and pull out the tongue. Use a flashlight to examine the throat for foreign objects and remove any foreign object that you find (making sure you are not pulling on the internal throat structure).
Do not attempt to retrieve an object by projecting your finger into the dog's throat. This will only lodge the object further down the throat.
Health News
What to do if your dog is rescued from drowning
Additional Information:vetmedicine.about.comAmerican Kennel Club
Dogs are excellent swimmers but can drown if they become exhausted or fall through ice. If your dog is drowning in a lake or pool, send for help and then try to reach the dog with your hand. If you must swim to the dog, take a floating device with you. Grab your dog by the tail or back of the neck, or let it grab on to the float. Swim back to shore.
Once you have reached the shore, hold the dog upside down by the hocks. Give a few sharp shakes to drain excess water from the lungs. Lay the dog on its side. Make sure there is no debris in the mouth. If the dog is not breathing, administer artificial respiration. If there is no heartbeat, apply CPR. When the dog is conscious, wrap it in a blanket. If the dog was rescued from ice water, treat it for hypothermia.
(Scroll text for information on CPR and first aid for hypothermia.)
CPR (when heart beat & breathing stops)
The same CPR technique used for humans can be adapted to save the life of a dog. CPR will provide heart contractions and breathing until the dog can perform these functions on its own. Heart and respiratory failure can occur after a trauma such as an electric shock, poison ingestion, a car accident or shock caused by a trauma. (If there is massive external or internal bleeding, CPR will not be effective since there is not enough fluid in the blood vessels to carry oxygen.)
CPR should not be performed on a dog that has a heartbeat. Nor should you perform artificial respiration on a dog that is already breathing unless the breaths are very unsteady and shallow. Watch the dog's sides to see if the chest is rising and falling.
Visual signs of no heartbeat include fully dilated pupils and cool, blue colored gums. Get familiar with pulse points on your healthy dog. Knowing how a normal heartbeat feels will help you in the event of an emergency.
If there is no heartbeat and no breath, CPR must be given to the dog. You will have to manually compress the heart and administer artificial respiration, one immediately after the other. A rhythm must develop between the heart compression and the artificial respiration.
An unconscious dog may become aggressive when it revives. Apply a muzzle -- always. You can use a strip of gauze, a strip of sheet, a necktie or even a sock. Wrap the cloth around the snout and tie under the jaw. Pull the ends back on each side of the dog's neck and tie behind the head. If the dog starts to vomit, remove the muzzle and reapply when he is finished.
Administer CPR as follows:
Lay the dog on its side. If there is no back or neck injury, pull the head and neck forward.
Open the dog's mouth and pull the tongue forward so it does not block the throat. Clear the mouth of any debris with your fingers and close the dog's mouth. Recheck the pulse.
Hold the dog's mouth and lips closed. Apply a muzzle.
Inhale and put your mouth over the dog's nose, forming an airtight seal. Exhale. Repeat the process 10 -15 times per minute.
Remove your mouth and apply heart massage in between breaths.
Place the heel of one hand over the dog's chest (in line with the back of its elbow). Place the heel of your other hand on top of the other.
Pump firmly and briskly. Hold each push for two counts and release for a count of one. (Use pressure appropriate for the size of the dog.)
Continue the massage until the heartbeat returns. Continue artificial respiration until the dog begins to breathe. If the dog does not respond after 15 minutes of CPR, revival is unlikely.
Hypothermia (Cold Injury)
Exposure to cold temperatures, especially if the dog is wet or ill can cause the onset of hypothermia. Symptoms include shivering, lethargy and eventual unconsciousness. The body will feel cold to the touch. Breathing is slow and shallow.
First aid starts with drying the dog and placing it in a warm place. Do not put the dog too close to a fire or heat source. Heating the dog too quickly can cause shock. Be careful not to burn the dog's skin. In the case of newborn puppies or if the dog has collapsed, place in warm bath water. When the puppy or dog is warm, remove it and dry thoroughly. Make sure the water does not become cooler than the dog or it will extract heat from the dog's body. Keep the dog in a draft-free, warm room for several hours. Warm liquids or warm food may be offered.
Additional Information:vetmedicine.about.comAmerican Kennel Club
Dogs are excellent swimmers but can drown if they become exhausted or fall through ice. If your dog is drowning in a lake or pool, send for help and then try to reach the dog with your hand. If you must swim to the dog, take a floating device with you. Grab your dog by the tail or back of the neck, or let it grab on to the float. Swim back to shore.
Once you have reached the shore, hold the dog upside down by the hocks. Give a few sharp shakes to drain excess water from the lungs. Lay the dog on its side. Make sure there is no debris in the mouth. If the dog is not breathing, administer artificial respiration. If there is no heartbeat, apply CPR. When the dog is conscious, wrap it in a blanket. If the dog was rescued from ice water, treat it for hypothermia.
(Scroll text for information on CPR and first aid for hypothermia.)
CPR (when heart beat & breathing stops)
The same CPR technique used for humans can be adapted to save the life of a dog. CPR will provide heart contractions and breathing until the dog can perform these functions on its own. Heart and respiratory failure can occur after a trauma such as an electric shock, poison ingestion, a car accident or shock caused by a trauma. (If there is massive external or internal bleeding, CPR will not be effective since there is not enough fluid in the blood vessels to carry oxygen.)
CPR should not be performed on a dog that has a heartbeat. Nor should you perform artificial respiration on a dog that is already breathing unless the breaths are very unsteady and shallow. Watch the dog's sides to see if the chest is rising and falling.
Visual signs of no heartbeat include fully dilated pupils and cool, blue colored gums. Get familiar with pulse points on your healthy dog. Knowing how a normal heartbeat feels will help you in the event of an emergency.
If there is no heartbeat and no breath, CPR must be given to the dog. You will have to manually compress the heart and administer artificial respiration, one immediately after the other. A rhythm must develop between the heart compression and the artificial respiration.
An unconscious dog may become aggressive when it revives. Apply a muzzle -- always. You can use a strip of gauze, a strip of sheet, a necktie or even a sock. Wrap the cloth around the snout and tie under the jaw. Pull the ends back on each side of the dog's neck and tie behind the head. If the dog starts to vomit, remove the muzzle and reapply when he is finished.
Administer CPR as follows:
Lay the dog on its side. If there is no back or neck injury, pull the head and neck forward.
Open the dog's mouth and pull the tongue forward so it does not block the throat. Clear the mouth of any debris with your fingers and close the dog's mouth. Recheck the pulse.
Hold the dog's mouth and lips closed. Apply a muzzle.
Inhale and put your mouth over the dog's nose, forming an airtight seal. Exhale. Repeat the process 10 -15 times per minute.
Remove your mouth and apply heart massage in between breaths.
Place the heel of one hand over the dog's chest (in line with the back of its elbow). Place the heel of your other hand on top of the other.
Pump firmly and briskly. Hold each push for two counts and release for a count of one. (Use pressure appropriate for the size of the dog.)
Continue the massage until the heartbeat returns. Continue artificial respiration until the dog begins to breathe. If the dog does not respond after 15 minutes of CPR, revival is unlikely.
Hypothermia (Cold Injury)
Exposure to cold temperatures, especially if the dog is wet or ill can cause the onset of hypothermia. Symptoms include shivering, lethargy and eventual unconsciousness. The body will feel cold to the touch. Breathing is slow and shallow.
First aid starts with drying the dog and placing it in a warm place. Do not put the dog too close to a fire or heat source. Heating the dog too quickly can cause shock. Be careful not to burn the dog's skin. In the case of newborn puppies or if the dog has collapsed, place in warm bath water. When the puppy or dog is warm, remove it and dry thoroughly. Make sure the water does not become cooler than the dog or it will extract heat from the dog's body. Keep the dog in a draft-free, warm room for several hours. Warm liquids or warm food may be offered.
Health News
*~No No Plants/First Aid*~
PLANTS (assorted common household and garden plants)
Additional Information:Protecting your pets from poisonAmerican Veterinary Medical Association
Dieffenbachia, Philodendron & Caladium can cause problems in the dog's upper gastrointestinal tract. Do not induce vomiting. Give milk or water to rinse the dog's mouth and throat. Take the cat to the veterinarian immediately.
Amaryllis, Daffodil, Mistletoe, Tulip, Wisteria, English Ivy, Alfalfa, Beech, Iris, Bird of Paradise, Crown of Thorns, Honeysuckle, Castor Bean, Nightshades & the Potato's green parts and eyes cause irritation in the lower gastrointestinal tract that can lead to death. Induce vomiting (give 1 teaspoon syrup of ipecac or 1 tablespoon of a 1:1 mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water). Follow with a crushed tablet of activated charcoal. (Activated charcoal tablets can be purchased at a drug store and should be kept in your pet's first aid kit.) Take your dog to the veterinarian immediately.
Foxglove, Lily of the Valley, Oleander, Monkshood & Larkspur affect the dog's cardiovascular system. The digitalis glycosides in these plants have a severe depressant effect on the heart. Take your dog to the veterinarian immediately.
Yews, Tobacco, Hemlock, Rhubarb, Belladonna, Jimsonweed, Chinaberry & Morning Glory affect the dog's nervous system. Induce vomiting (give 1 teaspoon syrup of ipecac or 1 tablespoon of a 1:1 mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water). Take the dog to the veterinarian immediately. Specific antidotes may be needed to counteract the effects of the poisonous chemicals found in these plants.
If you discover that your dog has been eating a houseplant or suspicious outdoor plant call your poison control center and get veterinary help. If you don't know the name of the plant, take a sample of it to the veterinarian.
To prevent plant poisoning do not keep poisonous plants in your home or yard. Keep dried arrangements out of reach. Be sure your puppy has plenty of safe chew toys.
Additional Information:Protecting your pets from poisonAmerican Veterinary Medical Association
Dieffenbachia, Philodendron & Caladium can cause problems in the dog's upper gastrointestinal tract. Do not induce vomiting. Give milk or water to rinse the dog's mouth and throat. Take the cat to the veterinarian immediately.
Amaryllis, Daffodil, Mistletoe, Tulip, Wisteria, English Ivy, Alfalfa, Beech, Iris, Bird of Paradise, Crown of Thorns, Honeysuckle, Castor Bean, Nightshades & the Potato's green parts and eyes cause irritation in the lower gastrointestinal tract that can lead to death. Induce vomiting (give 1 teaspoon syrup of ipecac or 1 tablespoon of a 1:1 mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water). Follow with a crushed tablet of activated charcoal. (Activated charcoal tablets can be purchased at a drug store and should be kept in your pet's first aid kit.) Take your dog to the veterinarian immediately.
Foxglove, Lily of the Valley, Oleander, Monkshood & Larkspur affect the dog's cardiovascular system. The digitalis glycosides in these plants have a severe depressant effect on the heart. Take your dog to the veterinarian immediately.
Yews, Tobacco, Hemlock, Rhubarb, Belladonna, Jimsonweed, Chinaberry & Morning Glory affect the dog's nervous system. Induce vomiting (give 1 teaspoon syrup of ipecac or 1 tablespoon of a 1:1 mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water). Take the dog to the veterinarian immediately. Specific antidotes may be needed to counteract the effects of the poisonous chemicals found in these plants.
If you discover that your dog has been eating a houseplant or suspicious outdoor plant call your poison control center and get veterinary help. If you don't know the name of the plant, take a sample of it to the veterinarian.
To prevent plant poisoning do not keep poisonous plants in your home or yard. Keep dried arrangements out of reach. Be sure your puppy has plenty of safe chew toys.
Health News
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Ten Most Common Pet Poisons
Each year, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center receives tens of thousands of calls involving animal exposures to potentially poisonous substances. In 2005, the Center managed more than 100,000 calls pertaining to a seemingly inexhaustible variety of items. Below is a compilation of the types of calls that the Center assists with, listed in order of the frequency reported:
Human Medications: In 2005, more than 46,000 calls involving common human drugs such as painkillers, cold medications, antidepressants and dietary supplements were managed by the Center. "Ingestions of certain medications could be very harmful or even fatal to pets," cautions Dr. Steven Hansen, Senior Vice-President of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. "Owners should never give their pet any medication without the direction of a veterinarian, as even 1 extra-strength acetaminophen can be deadly to a cat, and just 4 regular-strength ibuprofen can lead to serious kidney problems in a 10-pound dog." Medications should always be stored in a secure cabinet above the counter and out of the reach of pets.
Insecticides: Over 21,000 cases pertaining to products used to kill fleas, ticks and other insects were handled last year. "While there are products for eliminating fleas, ticks and other pesky bugs that are safe for use in households with pets, a key factor in their safe use is reading and following label instructions exactly," advises Dr. Hansen. "Some species of animals can be particularly sensitive to certain types of insecticides, so it is vital to never use any product not specifically formulated for your pet." It is also a good idea to consult with your pet's veterinarian before beginning any flea and tick control program.
Rodenticides: In 2005, approximately 6,900 calls about rat and mouse poisons were received. Depending on the type of rodenticide, ingestions can lead to potentially life-threatening problems including bleeding, seizures, or even damage to the kidneys or other vital organs. "Should pet owners opt to use a rodenticide around their home, they should make sure that the bait is placed only in areas completely inaccessible to their animals," Dr. Hansen instructs.
Veterinary Medications: Close to 6,200 cases involving animal-related preparations such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, heartworm preventives, dewormers, antibiotics, vaccines, and nutritional supplements were managed by the Center last year. "Although these products are formulated for use in pets, it is very important to always read and follow label directions for use exactly," advises Dr. Hansen. "As with flea and tick preparations, many medications are intended for use in certain species only, and potentially serious problems could result if given to the wrong animal or at too high of a dose."
Household Cleaners: In 2005, approximately 5,200 calls pertaining to cleaning agents such as bleaches, detergents and disinfectants were received. "Household cleaners can be quite effective in disinfecting surfaces in the home when used appropriately," says Dr. Hansen, "but gastrointestinal irritation or even severe oral burns could result with some cleaners depending on the circumstances of exposure." Additionally, irritation to the respiratory tract may be possible if a product becomes inhaled. "All household cleaners and other chemicals should be stored in a secure location well out of the reach of pets," Dr. Hansen recommends. When cleaning your pet's food and water bowls, crate or other habitat, a mild soap such as a hand dishwashing detergent along with hot water is a good choice over products containing potentially harsh chemicals.
Herbicicides: Around 4,600 calls pertaining to various types of herbicides came through the Center's lines last year. Most herbicides are considered to be relatively safe when used appropriately. However, directions such as "keep animals away from treated area until dry" need to be adhered to in order to avoid the potential for problems such as damage to desirable vegetation, minor skin irritation or stomach upset if ingested.
Plants: Over 4,400 cases involving plants were handled by the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center in 2005, including such varieties as lilies, azalea, rhododendron, sago palm, kalanchoe and schefflera, among others. "There are many different species of plants that could be harmful to pets if consumed in large enough quantities," cautions Dr. Hansen. "For example, just one or two sago palm nuts can cause vomiting, diarrhea, depression, seizures, and even liver failure, while lilies are highly toxic to cats and even in small amounts can produce life-threatening kidney failure." While poisonous plants should certainly be kept away from pets, it is also a good idea to discourage animals from nibbling on any variety, as even non-toxic plants could produce minor stomach upset if eaten.
Chocolate: More than 2,600 chocolate calls were received by the Center last year. Depending on the type, chocolate can contain large amounts of fat and caffeine-like substances known as methylxanthines. If ingested in significant amounts, chocolate could potentially cause vomiting, diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst and urination, hyperactivity and in severe cases, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and could even be fatal. "Typically, the darker the chocolate, the greater the potential for poisoning," says Dr. Hansen. "Baking chocolate contains the highest amount of methylxanthines, and just two ounces could cause serious problems for a 10 pound dog."
Home Improvement Products: In 2005, approximately 1,800 cases involving paint, solvents, expanding glues, and other physical hazards were managed. While the majority of water-based paints are low in toxic potential, stomach upset is still possible, and artist's paints can contain heavy metals that could be poisonous if consumed in a large quantity. Solvents can be very irritating to the gastrointestinal tract, eyes and skin, and could also produce central nervous system depression if ingested, or pneumonia if inhaled. "Prevention is really key to avoiding problems from accidental exposures," says Dr. Hansen. "Pet owners should keep pets out of areas where home improvement projects are occurring, and of course, label directions should always be followed when using any product."
Fertilizers: More than 1,700 calls pertaining to plant fertilizers were handled last year. In general, most fertilizers are fairly low in toxicity. However, the consumption of significant amounts can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal discomfort. Additionally, some fertilizer formulations may also contain insecticides, which could potentially lead to further problems if eaten.Please visit the AKC website for a useful list of plants. http://
Human Medications: In 2005, more than 46,000 calls involving common human drugs such as painkillers, cold medications, antidepressants and dietary supplements were managed by the Center. "Ingestions of certain medications could be very harmful or even fatal to pets," cautions Dr. Steven Hansen, Senior Vice-President of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. "Owners should never give their pet any medication without the direction of a veterinarian, as even 1 extra-strength acetaminophen can be deadly to a cat, and just 4 regular-strength ibuprofen can lead to serious kidney problems in a 10-pound dog." Medications should always be stored in a secure cabinet above the counter and out of the reach of pets.
Insecticides: Over 21,000 cases pertaining to products used to kill fleas, ticks and other insects were handled last year. "While there are products for eliminating fleas, ticks and other pesky bugs that are safe for use in households with pets, a key factor in their safe use is reading and following label instructions exactly," advises Dr. Hansen. "Some species of animals can be particularly sensitive to certain types of insecticides, so it is vital to never use any product not specifically formulated for your pet." It is also a good idea to consult with your pet's veterinarian before beginning any flea and tick control program.
Rodenticides: In 2005, approximately 6,900 calls about rat and mouse poisons were received. Depending on the type of rodenticide, ingestions can lead to potentially life-threatening problems including bleeding, seizures, or even damage to the kidneys or other vital organs. "Should pet owners opt to use a rodenticide around their home, they should make sure that the bait is placed only in areas completely inaccessible to their animals," Dr. Hansen instructs.
Veterinary Medications: Close to 6,200 cases involving animal-related preparations such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, heartworm preventives, dewormers, antibiotics, vaccines, and nutritional supplements were managed by the Center last year. "Although these products are formulated for use in pets, it is very important to always read and follow label directions for use exactly," advises Dr. Hansen. "As with flea and tick preparations, many medications are intended for use in certain species only, and potentially serious problems could result if given to the wrong animal or at too high of a dose."
Household Cleaners: In 2005, approximately 5,200 calls pertaining to cleaning agents such as bleaches, detergents and disinfectants were received. "Household cleaners can be quite effective in disinfecting surfaces in the home when used appropriately," says Dr. Hansen, "but gastrointestinal irritation or even severe oral burns could result with some cleaners depending on the circumstances of exposure." Additionally, irritation to the respiratory tract may be possible if a product becomes inhaled. "All household cleaners and other chemicals should be stored in a secure location well out of the reach of pets," Dr. Hansen recommends. When cleaning your pet's food and water bowls, crate or other habitat, a mild soap such as a hand dishwashing detergent along with hot water is a good choice over products containing potentially harsh chemicals.
Herbicicides: Around 4,600 calls pertaining to various types of herbicides came through the Center's lines last year. Most herbicides are considered to be relatively safe when used appropriately. However, directions such as "keep animals away from treated area until dry" need to be adhered to in order to avoid the potential for problems such as damage to desirable vegetation, minor skin irritation or stomach upset if ingested.
Plants: Over 4,400 cases involving plants were handled by the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center in 2005, including such varieties as lilies, azalea, rhododendron, sago palm, kalanchoe and schefflera, among others. "There are many different species of plants that could be harmful to pets if consumed in large enough quantities," cautions Dr. Hansen. "For example, just one or two sago palm nuts can cause vomiting, diarrhea, depression, seizures, and even liver failure, while lilies are highly toxic to cats and even in small amounts can produce life-threatening kidney failure." While poisonous plants should certainly be kept away from pets, it is also a good idea to discourage animals from nibbling on any variety, as even non-toxic plants could produce minor stomach upset if eaten.
Chocolate: More than 2,600 chocolate calls were received by the Center last year. Depending on the type, chocolate can contain large amounts of fat and caffeine-like substances known as methylxanthines. If ingested in significant amounts, chocolate could potentially cause vomiting, diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst and urination, hyperactivity and in severe cases, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and could even be fatal. "Typically, the darker the chocolate, the greater the potential for poisoning," says Dr. Hansen. "Baking chocolate contains the highest amount of methylxanthines, and just two ounces could cause serious problems for a 10 pound dog."
Home Improvement Products: In 2005, approximately 1,800 cases involving paint, solvents, expanding glues, and other physical hazards were managed. While the majority of water-based paints are low in toxic potential, stomach upset is still possible, and artist's paints can contain heavy metals that could be poisonous if consumed in a large quantity. Solvents can be very irritating to the gastrointestinal tract, eyes and skin, and could also produce central nervous system depression if ingested, or pneumonia if inhaled. "Prevention is really key to avoiding problems from accidental exposures," says Dr. Hansen. "Pet owners should keep pets out of areas where home improvement projects are occurring, and of course, label directions should always be followed when using any product."
Fertilizers: More than 1,700 calls pertaining to plant fertilizers were handled last year. In general, most fertilizers are fairly low in toxicity. However, the consumption of significant amounts can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal discomfort. Additionally, some fertilizer formulations may also contain insecticides, which could potentially lead to further problems if eaten.Please visit the AKC website for a useful list of plants. http://
Health News
Thursday, March 01, 2007
~What is a puppy mill?
Puppy mills (known as puppy farms in the UK and Australia) are dog breeding operations that are considered to be disreputable and sometimes hazardous to the health of the animals due to the conditions of the breeding kennel. The term originated among critics of such operations. Small-scale operations where dogs are not available to health care or good sanitation are usually called backyard breeding; the terms are akin but not synonymous. The largest concentrations in the USA are allegedly in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and rural Missouri.
Reputable breeders raise their animals in humane conditions, provide good socialization and often formal training, and adhere to the breed standard. They are knowledgeable about major health problems associated with their breed, and with the principles of genetics, frequently undertaking specific matings to produce or refine particular desirable characteristics in their dogs. They are also sensitive to the requirements of their breeding adults — who may also be breed or performance champions — and the puppies they produce. Reputable breeders frequently screen potential customers rigorously, and usually provide a pedigree and health guarantee with their puppies.
Although many responsible breeding operations tend to be small, size alone is not an indication that a particular operation is a puppy mill. Rather, puppy mills are characterized by ignoring duties that are standard among responsible dog breeders. They may keep their dogs in overcrowded, unclean or otherwise inappropriate surroundings. The puppies they produce may be improperly socialized or may suffer from health problems which are often not disclosed to purchasers. Their breeding animals may also suffer, with females sometimes forced to undergo repeated pregnancies too quickly to fully recuperate between them.
Puppy mill operators may misrepresent the breed of dog being sold, and adult puppy mill dogs may exhibit characteristics uncommon to their advertised breed. Unlike the puppies produced by reputable breeders, the vast majority of puppy mill animals are sold to pet stores. Puppy mill operators are frequently accused of being motivated only by profit rather than a commitment to the breed or any empathy for the animals in their care.
Purchasing dogs, especially those claimed to be purebred, from a pet store is strongly discouraged by reputable breeders and animal shelters. While many pet stores claim to purchase dogs from "local breeders" instead of puppy mills, this is often untrue or is a difference in name only, as reputable breeders generally do not sell animals to pet stores. The phrase "local breeder" may also refer to backyard breeders.
Schnauzers Of Taylor is proud to support the Companion Animal Protection Society.
We are very big advocates against puppymills and pet abuse. We donate large amounts yearly to try and put a stop to these operations.Please do not EVER buy a puppy from a petstore and be picky about your breeder just as if you were getting a child.
Here are some links you find helpful:
Reputable breeders raise their animals in humane conditions, provide good socialization and often formal training, and adhere to the breed standard. They are knowledgeable about major health problems associated with their breed, and with the principles of genetics, frequently undertaking specific matings to produce or refine particular desirable characteristics in their dogs. They are also sensitive to the requirements of their breeding adults — who may also be breed or performance champions — and the puppies they produce. Reputable breeders frequently screen potential customers rigorously, and usually provide a pedigree and health guarantee with their puppies.
Although many responsible breeding operations tend to be small, size alone is not an indication that a particular operation is a puppy mill. Rather, puppy mills are characterized by ignoring duties that are standard among responsible dog breeders. They may keep their dogs in overcrowded, unclean or otherwise inappropriate surroundings. The puppies they produce may be improperly socialized or may suffer from health problems which are often not disclosed to purchasers. Their breeding animals may also suffer, with females sometimes forced to undergo repeated pregnancies too quickly to fully recuperate between them.
Puppy mill operators may misrepresent the breed of dog being sold, and adult puppy mill dogs may exhibit characteristics uncommon to their advertised breed. Unlike the puppies produced by reputable breeders, the vast majority of puppy mill animals are sold to pet stores. Puppy mill operators are frequently accused of being motivated only by profit rather than a commitment to the breed or any empathy for the animals in their care.
Purchasing dogs, especially those claimed to be purebred, from a pet store is strongly discouraged by reputable breeders and animal shelters. While many pet stores claim to purchase dogs from "local breeders" instead of puppy mills, this is often untrue or is a difference in name only, as reputable breeders generally do not sell animals to pet stores. The phrase "local breeder" may also refer to backyard breeders.
Schnauzers Of Taylor is proud to support the Companion Animal Protection Society.
We are very big advocates against puppymills and pet abuse. We donate large amounts yearly to try and put a stop to these operations.Please do not EVER buy a puppy from a petstore and be picky about your breeder just as if you were getting a child.
Here are some links you find helpful:
Puppy Mills
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